Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Number of wins Mr. Olympia

8 time Lee Haney 1984-1991
Ronnie Coleman 1998–2005

7 time Arnold Schwarzenegger 1970–1975, 1980

6 time Dorian Yates 1992–1997

4 time Jay Cutler 2006–2007, 2009-2010

3 time Sergio Oliva 1967–1969
Frank Zane 1977–1979

2 time Larry Scott 1965-1966
Franco Columbu 1976, 1981

1 time Samir Bannout 1983
Chris Dickerson 1982
Dexter Jackson 2008

Friday, December 24, 2010

PaulDillett - Black Bodybuilder

Kai Green - black bodybuilder

Monday, December 20, 2010

Healthy men

Monday, December 6, 2010

Rest Is A Critical Requirement to Build Muscle

If you want to build muscle, going to the gym and getting in your workouts is crucial. Intensity during your workouts is important as well. If you don't stress your muscles sufficiently, you won't see any growth or results from your efforts. Doing the right exercises for maximum growth is also a key component of a well constructed muscle growth routine.

Weight lifters also appreciate the importance of proper nutrition. Without the right number of calories coming in (i.e. a surplus), a lifter will never gain muscle mass worth counting. In addition, the calories have to be the right composition - plenty of protein with a healthy portion of carbs and fats. They also need plenty of vitamins, minerals, and water to supplement their training.

All of these components are well appreciated and debated by exercisers and weight lifters everywhere. But one of the keys to any good program to build muscle is often ignored: rest. It is during rest that muscles repair the damage caused by the exercise, and it is during rest that the muscles grow bigger and stronger.

Too many lifters focus on working as hard as possible and then they enter a state of overtraining. Overtraining occurs when individuals don't give their muscles enough time to recuperate between workouts. Being in this state can cause a massive plateau to your results, and even worse, it can even lead to injuries which can set you back for months.

The proper way to continue to build muscle throughout your program is to make rest a priority. This may seem like you're going soft, but you're not. Rest is as crucial, and perhaps more important, than proper exercise and nutrition.

When designing your workout plan, make sure to add in enough bouts of rest between workouts. There are many ways to do this. One way is to do full body workouts through the week, leaving a day of rest in between, such as a Monday, Wednesday, Friday (or Saturday) workout. This will leave plenty of time in between for proper recuperation. Others like to work out everyday, so they separate out each day to focus on a particular muscle group. For example, Monday could be chest, Tuesday is biceps, and so on. This allows each muscle group to have periods of rest and periods of workouts. However, weight lifters following this schedule should be careful that the "off" days for the muscles truly are off days. For instance, certain chest exercises require working the biceps, and vice versa.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Rob Kreider

Rob Kreider

Monday, October 25, 2010



Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Secrets Of Bodybuilding Training For Young Athletes

For many years, high school and college athletic coaches frowned upon their athletes doing any sort of weight training. However, as television brought more money to professional sports, college and even high school athletic programs worked to increase the performance of their athletes in order to keep up. As a result, kids became stronger and faster in order to advance. Weight training, sports supplementation, and other bodybuilding fundamentals quickly became part of every sports program in the nation.
A stigma still exists, for many, about bodybuilding. Many athletic programs employ a core weight-training program - squats, presses, dead lifts, and bench press - but they neglect full body development. Some consider this practice dangerous, as core training leaves many stabilizer body part groups ignored, even endangered, as muscle imbalances lead to new strains as some parts grow. Let's count the ways that bodybuilding training gives you an edge in sports.
Mental edge In any competition, the stronger man will always possess more confidence than his adversary. You can call it animal instinct, the alpha male complex, or anything else. But when two men face one another, the stronger of the two possesses a carnal advantage in every situation. It might not always result in a win, but it does provide a mental edge.

Core strengths
Using compound exercise movements like bench press, presses, squats, and dead lifts are a great way to make the entire body grow. They also create added strength in those actions most used in sports - jumping, running and stopping, moving opponents, and maintaining position. They build the core, which is your base for all performance.
Isolating weaknesses
The core strength training mentioned above is great for growing overall body mass, and targeting the large muscle groups. However, as these body parts grow, the strain, which exists on the smaller groups to support them, grows as well. You are MORE likely to sustain an injury if your back, chest and shoulders grow, yet your lower back, neck, traps, and arms are neglected. Bodybuilding training programs focus on every muscle in the body to ensure none go untrained and become problem areas.
A well-balanced bodybuilding-training program results in a well-balanced physique. Bodybuilders are able to eliminate the awkwardness of many common functions by adding additional strength (through training) to areas, which may lack functional strength.

All sports involve repetition of strenuous tasks, whether it is running, jumping, throwing, or catching. As muscles repeat the same actions dozens or hundreds or even thousands of time, fatigue begins to se in. The muscle groups are flooded with blood for hours at a time, and lactic acid begins to build up in these areas.
If you're an athlete, do a little bit of reading on standard bodybuilding routines. Even if you cannot add a full bodybuilding routine to your sports training protocol, see what areas of your physique you've been neglecting. You might just find that a few movements each week will go a long way in increasing your sports ability and avoiding injury.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Scivation, The New Name Of Bodybuilding

Are you ready to meet all of your dietary and fitness goals? When bodybuilding, of course it's important to maintain a well-balanced diet. Basically, you should maintain the food pyramid that you learned in elementary school, with a few variations. However, it's also highly beneficial for bodybuilders to take dietary supplements, to enhance their diet.Enter Scivation. The company not only provides an array of quality dietary supplements for bodybuilders, but it also publishes various books about how to improve their diet. Their publications include "Game Over Cut Diet," "The Lean Mass Diet" "The CHA Diet" and "The Diet Solution."Books aren't the only quality products available from Scivation. You can already enjoy Scivation whey supplements, which contain whey protein of the highest quality. Studies show that whey protein is the best type when you need to provide your body with fast-acting protein. The protein quickly absorbs into your body, allowing your muscles to use it quickly. Using Scivation whey protein, you can make a tasty drink by simply adding water or milk. Other possibilities include delicious shakes and omelets. However you use the whey protein supplement from Scivation, you'll be able to savor this tasty product.While many whey products taste good, they don't product the outstanding results of whey supplements from Scivation. Besides being tasty, Scivation's whey supplement can provide you with several other benefits. The Glutamine and BCAA it contains can help you to build lean muscle mass. It's also aspartame-free, so you won't have to worry about the long-term effects of such artificial sweeteners. Since the whey protein supplement from Scivation is fast acting, you can use it before and after your workout. Of course, if you're consuming a high-protein diet, then the whey protein that Scivation provides will complement your diet perfectly.When used along with the Scivation dietary supplements, the information contained in the books can maximize the amount of lean muscle mass that you can add to your body. The goal of Scivation is to help bodybuilders and other fitness enthusiasts reach their goals. This is through the combination of proper training, a balanced diet, and effective supplements.Some companies produce dietary supplements, while others publish books about diet and nutrition. Scivation is different, in that it provides complete nutritional programs. These programs are effective in helping people to reach their dietary and fitness goals.What exactly is the Team Scivation program? The goal of Scivation is to combine the newest scientific research, with groundbreaking products. Another aspect that makes Scivation different from other diet and fitness companies is that the company is owned by athletes who use the products themselves.Team Scivation includes 15,000 members throughout the world, while its diet and fitness program is absolutely free. Regardless of your current fitness, the Team Scivation program can help you to reach your goals. In fact, in 2009 more than 300 members of Team Scivation participated in some type of fitness, swimsuit, bodybuilding, MMA, strongman, or figure event.Joining Team Scivation is simple and risk-free. After joining, Scivation will create a customized dietary, training, and supplementation program for you. Doing deinstallation


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

victor martinez

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Jiri Borkovec - Posing at the FIBO 2010

White Shorts

Admiring His Abs

Weigh In

Denim Hotties

Water Polo Player

Coach's Office

via Shirts&Wifebeaters

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Muscle Jock of the Day

Shirtless Baller

Stefan Havlik

David Beckham

On to the Pitch

Spain Soccer Team